This month we’ve improved the way we display data on our site, enabled you to share images and trialled an exciting new HomesEstimate ranking feature. Let’s dive in:

Clearer labelling on sold map markers
We had feedback that the labelling on our sold map markers was unclear. We updated these markers to make it easier to see which properties have a sale price and which have sold but are still waiting on a sale price to be made public (TBC).

Check out your properties HomesEstimate rankings
Released in Wellington City only is our new feature HomesEstimate Rankings. Each home is ranked by its HomesEstimate from highest to lowest. Compare your property ranking to your friends or neighbours or view the #1 ranked home in each suburb.

Easily see when HomesEstimate have been updated
We wanted to make it clear across the site when the HomesEstimate updates each fortnight. You will now see an updated today badge almost everywhere that the HomesEstimate appears on and a dismissible site-wide notification.

Share individual property images
Want to share an image you found on with friends or family? Now, each image has a URL which means you can copy and paste the link to share it. There is no need to take screenshots.
Updates to our Privacy Policy
From today, we’ve updated our Privacy Policy. We take our users’ privacy seriously and we believe in being transparent about how our users’ information is collected and used.
For more information about this, check out our updated Privacy Policy.
Help us shape the future of
Do you have any questions about these new features or an idea of how we can improve our product? Feel free to email your suggestions to